viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Orgonite Products range at last : orgonite yourself!

As I am dealing with energies , balance and emotions during my tarot cards reading session, I have been reading a lot about different elements that could destabilize our organism, and about all the different external factors that could affect us.
I was wondering how to helph ourselves on a daily basis? How to turn in our environment negative energies into positive ones, to purify the atmosphere , to detoxify our surrounding in order to be more balanced.
Therefore I have decided to introduce at my holistic and esoterical shop and clairvoyant studio in Los cristianos Orgonite. 

I wanted to promote a local artist from tenerife or the canary Island , and I have had the chance to meet a fantastic lady that created especially for the shop some beautiful orgonite items, unique pieces , perfect to use as decoration items , keyholders , necklaces. she is so talented. I fall in love : the stones , the colors , the shapes.

Here some quick facts about Orgonite in Tenerife at Los Cristianos.
  • Simple. Easy to make. Works continuously.
  • Turns negative energy into positive energy.
  • Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water, ends drought.
  • Helps plants grow better, repel pests & require less water.
  • Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation.
  • Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.
  • Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
  • Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
  • Helps awaken your innate psychic senses.

How to use orgonite items ?

We have found that tactical deployment of orgonite (e.g., "gifting") by throwing, hiding or burying it near sources of electromagnetic radiation or other pollution or in polluted areas, such as near cellphone/TV/radio towers, power plants, has a powerful and noticeable effect on the area. The general mood or "vibe" in the area improves dramatically.

If you would like to see more of our items or to know more about orgonite please come to visit me at the shop . 

Here some pictures of our items , thanks to Adriana Mendez our special artist.

Please Contact us for our price list , special request : 922 085 773 or 674 53 43 00 ( whatsapp service) .
Skype : christelle tenerife
Facebook: clairvoyant tenerife and Crystal tienda esotérica

Spiritual Fair & Charity Event Las galletas Tenerife

On Sunday the 31st of August 2014 , A spiritual fair as a charity event will be held at #Westhaven Bay in Arona Las Galletas Tenerife. 

Our 1st Holistic fair offer the following services:Tarot cards reading, body candle healing , spiritual workers , clairvoyant , Reiki , Yoga , Pilates.

Conferences and talks along the afternoon  and our market : candle, incenses, cleansing products , chakras spray ,jewellery,Orgonite and many other things

I will be present and will be attending as usual in different languages ( spanish, french , italian and English) from 11am to 18pm for #Tarot cards reading session #clairvoyant . 
For more details check my facebook page: clairvoyant Tenerife or Crystal Tienda esotérica 
tel: +34 674 53 43 00 ( whatsapp tango and viber app)

Hope to see you on sunday 

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Le Jour de la Vierge Noire Patronne des Iles Canaries

Je ne pouvais qu´écrire un petit article de mon cabinet de voyance Crystal et boutique ésotérique sur notre Sainte Patronne des canries , notre madonne La Vierge Noire La Vierge de Candelaria à Tenerife.

Demain commence nos procéssions , nos feux d ´artifice magnifiques , elle sortira de la basilique afin de nous apporter ses bénédictions . Elle descendra jusqu´à la mer , nous la couvrirons de fleurs lors de son passage , moments instances et troublants . Les énergies sont fortes, la ferveur se ressent : les émotions à fleur de peau . Les pétitions se multiplient en cet instant unique....

En son honneur , je lui mettrai ces belles bougies , son bouquet de fleur et ma prière. Déjà ce soir , nous verrons sur les routes de l´île les pélerins qui feront tout le chemin afin d´arriver à la Candelaria et lui rendre homage demain matin. Notre Madonne est belle.

Je vous joints un petit lien de wikipédia qui vous permettra de découvrir notre Madonne

Je vous envoies de très belles énergies de Tenerife , et mon cabinet de voyance Crystal. Consultation de voyance, tarologie sur place ou bien par Skype à ChristelleTenerife

Amen et un bel été à tous